Blog Comments

Always, when on the Internet, I spend a large part of my time reading blogs; I like and enjoy the various information and perspectives on blogs; some of which are quite enlightening. There are some blogs that I read regularly, one of which is - Cathy Young's The Y Files. It is one of the finest blogs that I usually visit and her subjects are always: well researched, thought provoking and objective.

A few days ago, I was reading her post - and anti-Muslim bigotry. As always, whenever she writes on Islam, several comments are made; some of which are very hateful and aggressive of Islam; I always avoid arguments, but at times I try to make a point. After reading the first few comments, I decided to give some comments; just to clarify some points. Below, are my comments:

"Omar Barsawad said...

To John Sobieski, I am a 'bad Muslim'! I am sorry John - my life is so whole and peaceful! I believe - people like you have their own agenda in the growth of hatred between us Muslims and you! Xenophobia comes in many forms!

Islam is growing fast not because we are violent and destructive; to the contrary!

And it is not us who are destroying Sobieski's and Spencers's worlds - but their own way of life! Crime, divorce, violence against women, drugs, the large disparity between the rich and poor, mis-use of resources, materialism etc! These are what are destroying their worlds! But they want scapegoats!"

"Omar Barsawad said...

Irishei: I didn't mean converting to Islam would cure you of 'all these ills.' But some of you want scapegoats for all the ills that you have; ills, that continue to pile up inspite of all the wealth and 'progress' that you have!

I live in one of the most impoverished regions of the world; and yet, Hadhramout is one of the most peaceful of places that one can find! Crime and ills of any kind: robberies, murders, rapes, violence against women, drug usage, prostitution, brawls, traffic accidents etc. are almost non-existent! Not because of forcefully being enforced by the police, but only for one reason: Islam! With all the poverty, rarely too - would one encounter as many beggars as one would have expected; and no one goes hungry! And: HIV/AIDS and all other forms of STDs, are extremely rare!

The kind of peace and co-existence I feel and see here, daily, I have not seen in any part of the world that I have visited or lived in, so far!

I mention all these not so as to try to convert others so as to cure their ills, but just to point out that - the violence and negative nature attributed to Muslims by others, the Western world in particular, is incorrect!

All I know: in life - there are good, noble people and bad, evil people; and no major religion condones or accepts badness or evilness!

I am,too, surprised at many who mention - jihad, jizya, sharia and so many other Muslim terms without actually understanding what they really mean! It is always best to understand, properly, a people, culture or belief before one can fairly understand and judge those people!

I understand the Western world and can easily understand their views and perspectives in most things, because I read and write their languages more than I do Arabic; and I have spent most of my life in their parts of the world. And I have no quarrel with them, nor hatred towards them.

I do ask too, for those in the Western world who want to judge us, to first understand - our views, perspectives and culture. Properly. Come to our part of the world and spend some times here as we do with yours; read extensively and intensively about us; learn our languages. Can any of you write Arabic as well as I am writing English here? How many of you can speak my language as well as I can speak yours? Have any of you read great books from my part of the world as I have read yours?

How many in your part of the world do really understand Islam's history? How many do really understand Islam?"

The kind of responses I received, which I suspect are from the same source but pretending to be different people - are not conciliatory at all! Even with such responses, I know that many in the West, including America, are only and mostly concerned about their personal lives, their families and immediate needs; Islamophobia and such, are far from their minds. Their concerns are similar to mine. But a few, prefer to inflame and widen the gap, even more - between us Muslims and them.

They pick on Islamic terms or history, which they have very little knowledge of, and try to interpret them and present them, to suit their own purposes and agenda: hatred, confrontation and xenophobia. And yet I know, should I want to, too - I can pick up parts of (history or scriptures) of any of the two other great religions of the world - Judaism or Christianity - and make them look ugly or violent or evil. To quote Cathy: "Clearly the Koran can be (and is) interpreted and cherry-picked for conflicting and contradictory messages. Let's not forget that the Bible is full of violent passages that encourage conquest."

May I repeat again: why don't those who misunderstand Islam, try to understand us by learning and studying Islam objectively? Why not learn Arabic and try to understand Islam through its original form? For those who say that it is possible to understand Islam, through interpretations made in English or some other Western language, I know that is not truly possible. Just as it is completely different reading Shakespeare's, 'Anthony and Cleopatra' or Shaw's, 'The Devil's Disciple' - in Arabic. One just doesn't get the same meaning as it is in the original English! If we can study and explore the Western world and understand them, they too, should take interest in us and others - and try to understand our way of thinking and way of life.


Anonymous said…
I would just like to ask how you reconcile your comments concerning peace with the following passage from the Koran?

“The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.”

Koran 8:59

Does this not demonstrate the Islamic desire to conquer and coerce rather than allow people to make free choice? I think it does.
Barsawad said…
You choose a verse from the Holly Quran from some verses of this kind, and yet the Quran is a vast book!

Just like in the Bible, the Old Testament in particular, there are in the Quran: "condemnations of war and incitements to struggle, beautiful expressions of tolerance and stern pictures against unbelievers. Quotations from it usually tell us more about the person who selected the passages than about Islam. Every religion is compatible with the best and the worst of humankind. Through its long history, Christianity has supported inquisitions and anti-Semitism, but also human rights and social welfare." Do I judge Christianity using this?

I spent seven years of my first schooling in a Catholic Primary shool; then studied the Bible for another four years in a secondary shool; in it, just like in the Quran, there are many verses which can seem so cruel and inciteful of violence! And yet, these are Great, vast books, which can be iterpreted in many ways.

I can not judge Christians by refering to Genesis and wondering why "God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables" 4:3-5 or why it is stated that Hagar conceives, making Sarai jealous. Abram tells Sarai to do to Hagar whatever she wants. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled." 16:6. I can not judge Christians by the many incidences in - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers - of cruelty and violence.

I can not judge Christians by: the slavery and segregation practiced just a few years ago in the United States; or how it was iterpreted by Hitler, or Cecil Rhodes and the aprtheid regime that was in South Africa or by the Klu Klux clan and their doings, or by the many Christians who still believe certain groups/races of Mankind, are superior to others. I do not judge Christianity using these rulers! And no one should!

The history of the West, whose main driving force has always been Christianity - is so bloody and so full of violence that when I read at certain events during the conquest of the Americas and Australia, how the Indians and in particular: the Aborigines, were subjugated and almost utterly annihilated - I wonder at those who repeatedly keep saying at how cruel Islam is! The Aborigines, till recently were treated no better than animals! Apartheid South Africa is fresh in our memories!

Still, with all this - no one and not I - should negatively judge the West and generalise all that they are!I, infact have many Western friends, and should I be in the US or Canada or Europe - I know, there are many homes of friends, whose homes I will indeed feel very much at home! And they are not Muslims!

Taking a verse about 'infidels' or any other similar verse and judging us Muslims and Islam as a whole - just using such verses, is inciteful, intentional and provacative! Just as: should I also take certain parts of a certain religion and judge that religion using that part!

Lastly but not least: I as a Muslim, have the same respect and reverence for - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the other Prophets just as I have for my own Prophet of Islam! Indeed, we believe that Jesus will return and be the last ruler on this wretched Earth! It seems, it is only and till then - those who preach: hatred, violence and confrontation - will be brought in line and order!
Anonymous said…
Subhana Allah, I admire you keeping your head level faced by such ignorant people.

I gave up trying to speak to the extreme right...cuz if the person is not reasonable and not willing to listen to what you have to say its just not worth it.

you will talk until your face is blue and they will still come back wiht something stupid.

I think my approach has made me insulated to a degree. I still get shocked that ignorance of that level does exist about islam and muslims. it's depressing.
أبو مرقس said…
Omar I agree that is wrong to take one verse of the Quran and base the entire objection to Islam on this one verse. Yes the Bible also has violent commandments and passages in it but there is a major difference. The Bible never says slay all those who don't believe in Jesus or God. God commands the Israellites to conquer a specific nation and kill everyone but the command was for that one particular time. From what I know of the Quran the book is more a collection of commandments than a chronological history of events like the Bible is.

You are right to say that numerous conquerors have used religion to justify mass killing in the past, I do not dispute that and we both agreed that is wrong. But the Quran says plainly to kill unbelievers, does it not? The Bible says go out into all the nations and _preach_ the good news of Jesus. Predominantly Christians have become so through their own free will. Muslims are born Muslims. It is on their passport. Islam spread by forcing people to convert to Islam or die or if they were lucky, to be segregated into a poor society.

Basically my point is people calling themselves Christians have disobeyed the Bible and done the wrong thing whereas Muslims following the Quran have done the wrong thing. I realise that is a very black and white judgement but I believe that is accurate.

I am from Australia and you are wrong to say that Aborigines were treated like animals here up until recently! They have had the right to vote since 1856!
Barsawad said…
Maliha: I always avoid arguments but enjoy discussions; at the same time discussing, religions, beliefs, cultures etc. - can be extremely difficult; and it becomes impossible with those whose intentions and motives are ulterior!

At times, I meet such people in person - and that can be very difficult! A few days ago, I got involved in a 'discussion' about same sex marriage and relationship and on the heated debate in the US, Massachusets in particular - with some foreigners; that got real ugly!
Barsawad said…
Ben: I mentioned reading our history and our books; as you are a student of Arabic, that would make it easier!

Talking of history, vis-a-vis - Islam being a violent, cruel, destructive ideology: in the last one thousand years of World history, which group has been at the center of or caused the most deaths, destruction and suffering? Some of which, too horrific to even imagine!

Be it the colonising and 'assimilation' of others through brute force; be it the horrific First World War and the Second one; be it the Holocaust, or Apartheid or Vietnam - Muslims were never at the center of these!

And just to mention, a subject that's close to me personally: Rwanda! Rwanda boasts the highest percentage of Christians of any African nation, and yet see what hapenned! I quote:

"Almost a million people lost their lives within a few days. Millions more were uprooted and fled for their lives. But Rwanda was known as a "Christian" country! It had strong churches. Where were the Christians? Couldn't they stop the carnage? What really happened? I began to ask questions, but failed to find answers. Who can ever understand a human tragedy of such magnitude? But I came to realise that these questions are to be addressed to us all, the Christians of every country. Maybe Rwanda3 isn't that unique after all! I think this painful story confronts us with a number of missiological issues we cannot evade."

I mention this, just so as to emphasize a point that I already have made: all of the World's Great religions, are noble and preach goodness - it IS people who are bad and evil! Through out history, people have used religion as a cover to: subjugate, dominate and destroy! IT IS PEOPLE WHO HAVE EVIL TENDENCIES! NOT ANY OF THE GREAT RELIGONS!

As for Australia, a country that I have the highest regards and admiration for:

"Until the 1960s Aboriginal people were denied basic political rights, including the right to vote. However, by the mid-1960s Aboriginal people had the right to vote in both state and federal elections. A 1967 referendum gave the federal government the power to pass legislation relating to all indigenous people in Australia. Since then the Australian government has tried to make up for past mistreatment by greatly increasing funding to improve Aboriginal people’s socioeconomic standing and by passing legislation to restore Aboriginal land rights. In addition, decisions by the High Court of Australia have given legal recognition to the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the original landowners of the country. Issues of reconciliation between the white majority population and Aboriginal people figure prominently in Australian public life today. Nevertheless, compared to the Australian population as a whole, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today continue to suffer disproportionately from serious social problems such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education, substandard housing, and poor health."

This does not stop me from liking Australia and admiring certain very good qualities in the Australian system!

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