How Does Your Website Score II?

Sitebeam Score
Blogger Buzz in a recent post, asked: Why do you blog? I keep this blog to pass time and mainly because, next to reading, I love writing and playing about with words; and, as there is very little information in English on Hadhramaut, why not write on whatever little I have on it? It is very encouraging knowing that, now, many visit this site. Being a self-learned computer user, I read much on Internet and Web resources; always trying to find out more on this most interesting and powerful of technologies. Once in a while, I have fun testing this site on the few testing tools available; considering my very limited resources on 'Web' and computer tech, I am very surprised, at times, when this blog does well; or better, on these tools, than some of the sites managed by those whom I believe are tech savvy. Try using these tools and testing your site; compare the scores with those of other sites, you too might have fun. And might be surprised.

Start by checking your sites Google Page Rank here. Google analyses 'page ranks' on its site, every 3 months; your sites rank, might change every now and then. A site's popularity does not effect what 'rank' a site has. I have been surprised that - the more popular and more visited this blog gets, the lower the rank is. Three years ago, this blog scored 5/10, then it was lowered to 4/10; a few days ago with Google's latest update - it was at 3/10. Now, it has gone up to 4/10 again. Did you know that, now, Facebook is at 10/10; higher than Google's 9/10? This is temporary: Google will get on top - after-all, it is they who manage the 'algorithm' testing and ranking of sites. Yahoo is 9/10 and Bing is 8/10. Through testing blogs from varying platforms, I have realized, for some reason that I do not understand, that - Wordpress hosted sites always have higher rankings and scores. Still, I am very comfortable using Blogger.

Use Nibbler to have a much more comprehensive test for your site. Nibbler will give you a detailed information on your site: how easily accessible it is, how well optimized, well marketed and well designed your site is. It will give you too, recommendations on how to improve your site. Sitebeam, Nibbler's sister site, will give you an even better, more improved test report of your site. Other useful tools are: Submit Express, Yahoo Site Explorer and Domain Trust Tool. For the finest testing tool, try SEOmoz. Read more from this article.

Want to know how much your site is worth in US Dollars? According to URL Appraisal, this blog's net worth is $24,586.13; SiteWorthChecker values this blog at $168 - that's a daily income estimate; $timater values it at $3,265; and Cubestat values it at $468.66; Websiteoutlook values it at $160.6. Want to sell your Website? Try Sedo or any of these. Unless you intend to sell or commercialize your blog or site, the bottom line and what truly matters most, is not your site rank or scores - but, how many people do read your site; even more important: how many find it informative or useful.

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