An Evening with Camels in Mukalla

Camels. In Australia they are brutally butchered; not for their meat; not for their skins; but simply because they are considered 'feral', 'pests' and a 'problem'. The recent 'culling' of camels in Australia's Northern Territory cost its government about 50,000$; enough money to have dug boreholes for the camels which roam from place to place in search of water. The one humped, Arabian Camels were introduced to the mainly arid Australia, for transport, in the mid 18th Century; but since then, they have rapidly been increasing in numbers. As Australians have no other use for them, they have repeatedly reduced the population of camels, by cruelly shooting them either form planes in the air, or by chasing them on moving vehicles. How barbaric. Had some poor, developing country been doing that to marauding lions or elephants - how would Australians have felt?

Camels should never have been taken to Australia; as people there have no liking for or understanding of the amazing animals. Had Australians understood this wonderful creature, they would have known how to benefit from it; they would have known how to use it; and they would have known how to respect it. Benefit from it; use it; and respect and value it as we do here in Hadhramaut

African elephants, which I have many times seen at very close range - have always greatly awed and amazed me; and so have camels. A few days ago, I spent an evening with these extraordinary animals. Just a few meters from the center of Al Mukalla, is  a market for camels:

Most people wrongly believe that, as camels mainly live in very arid, hot places, the humps that they have is for storing water. The humps are actually a reservoir of fat; it helps in providing nutrients when needed and in a way helps in controlling heat over the animal's body.
Camels are born without humps; the hump develops as the camel grows . And as camels use the fat within the humps when they have less food, the hump's size reduces. Or it increases when the camel has more food. Camels can weigh op to 700 kilograms and can grow up to slightly over 2 meters. They gestate for 11 months; usually giving birth to 1 calf at a time. The young reach adulthood at between 5 to 7 years. A normal life span for a camel is 40 years.
A camel's hump is a giant mound of fat. In a healthy, well-fed camel, the hump can weigh as much as 35 kilograms. The hump allows a camel to survive an extremely long time without food, if need be.
Camels are cud-chewers. Its mouth is very sturdy enabling it to chew dry, thorny desert plants. Its eyelashes have an interlocking system, of three eye-lids, which automatically shut when necessary; like during sand storms. The first two eye-lids have long eye lashes, which keep out sand; the third eye-lid is transparent and blinks side ways like car wipers, and is transparent allowing camels to see even when their eyes are closed. Its nostrils are shaped to protect it from dust and to trap water vapor and return the vapor to the body during respiration. The ears too, are shaped to protect it from dust and sand. Camels release white salivary stuff when they feel threatened; as the above camel is doing when I got too close to it while taking these photos.
A camel's neck is long. This enables it to reach leaves and thorns which are high on trees. Its thick, hairy coat reflects sunlight and insulates it from intense desert heat or keeps it warm when it gets cold. Camels are unique: they can survive in extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Their maintenance is cheap and easy as they can browse and eat a wide range of plant species; and they are very resistant to diseases.
Camels can survive without water or food; depending on the heat and what luggage it is carrying, a camel can survive for up to 10 days without food or water. If it is cool, it can live even longer without water. In the Sahara, they can go all winter without water.
Camels do not only live in some of the most desolate and inhospitable places on Earth; they thrive there. Where most large animals would perish, camels survive. They are able to do this by their amazing body mechanism and their incredible ability to efficiently use the available resources there; and they are omnivorous and able to eat a most varied type of foods.  
Docile and very good when treated well; camels easily become angry and stubborn when ill treated. No other animal is as endearing to Arabs as the camel; it is said that there are about 160 words for 'camel' in the Arabic language. To most Bedouins, camels are a symbol of wealth and strength.
Here, camel meat is cherished; and so is its milk. Both of which, especially its milk - are considered medicinal. Even a camel's urine is used as medicine for treating hepatitis, cancer, skin diseases, toothache, autism and many other diseases. The urine is also used as an antiseptic. I know for a fact, that women who have used camel urine to wash their hair, their hairs became longer, lighter and more lustrous.
Did you know that camel meat has no fat or cholesterol? As the fat is concentrated on a camel's hump, its meat is lean and better for us than beef and much better than pork. And did you know that camel's milk is closer to human milk than cow's milk and thus better for us? It does not curdle. Is more easily digestible than cow's milk. It has three times the amount of vitamin C than cow's milk; is rich in B vitamins and iron.  And it also contains anti-bodies and insulin which can fight diseases.
Able to travel for up to 50 kilometers per day in the harsh, hot deserts; camels have long legs which keep it high from the hot sand. Its feet, with broader hooves than that of horses, has two toes - underneath which are fatty balls of leathery pads or 'cushions' which enable it to walk easily on sands. Observe closely at the way camels walk: of all animals, only cats and giraffes are known to walk in the same way - at the same time moving both front and back legs on one side of the body and then again at the same time, moving the other legs on the other side.
Camels are used in all Middle Eastern countries and in many parts of Asia. But, surprisingly, camels' predecessors are from the Western Hemisphere and they are closely related to llamas, alpacas and vicunas of South America. Did you know that, today, of all people - Somalis, both in Somalia and in Ethiopia, have more camels, per capita, than any other people?
And did you know that, although Arabs use both very well; and love and value both very much, horses detest the smell of camels? In wars, when camels are used against horses - horses are known to become hard to control; and many times they run away from charging camels.

All old great Middle Eastern civilizations, very much depended on camels. The Arabs, the Assyrians, the Persians and the Nabateans all used camels. And so did the Muslim armies that conquered the then super-powers: the Byzantine and the Persian empires in the 7th AD. Whenever one thinks of the Great Prophets of old, camels come to mind. The camel is mentioned several times in the Holly Bible. It is eloquently mentioned in Quran Al Kareem: Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made? ........." ~ Surat al-Ghashiya ~ 17-21.

No other people respect, cherish and value camels as Arabs and Muslims do. No other animal species is as important here as is the camel. It has served us very well before. Is still serving us; especially the people of Hadhramaut. And will undoubtedly continue to serve us always. With the present, fast World's changing climate and as quick as food prices rise - as environmentally friendly a mode of transport as it is; as beneficial a dietary as it is; and as versatile, sustainable and adaptive as it is, the Camel will be a most important part of life here, for as long as it and humans exist.


Jed Carosaari said…
Very cool pics and discussion of camels!

I think you are leaving out or forgetting some important elements though.

The reference to camels in much of the Taurat/Old Testament is widely considered an anachronistic gloss- they weren't domesticated yet in Abraham's/Ibrahim's time.

When Hajj Ali/Hi Jolly introduced camels to the Camel Corps in the US's Southwestern desert, they didn't succeed for exactly the same reason you mention- the horses couldn't handle being near the camels. (See Hawmps.)

Most importantly, though camels are indeed wonderful creatures, there is a great difference between an invasive species and a naturally occurring species, particularly if one is domesticated or not. As you say, camels are not domesticated nor used in Australia, as sheep quite obviously are. Yet even sheep have proven themselves to be a great blight on the land. Consider what they would be like if they weren't controlled by domestication?! Wolves are noble creatures indeed, and often endangered, yet where they are not and they grow too numerous, they need to be culled for the sake of the rest of the ecosystem. An animal like the dromedary is almost always domesticated, and has been living in the Middle East for millenia. As a domesticated animal, it is part of the ecosystem. Not so in Australia, it's sole remaining wild habitat, where it is an invasive species.

The problem in Australia is not unique; indeed it is a scourge the world over. With increased globalization and trade, invasive species are one of the top environmental catastrophes we face in this century. The camel isn't the top of them, but in Australia it *is* destroying much of the vegetation, and upsetting the balance of the ecosystem. These animals need to be culled, or the entire ecoystem will be thrown further off balance- and Australia already has it's share of animal plagues.
Omar said…
According to references that I am relying on and trust: Wikipedia, National Geographic and Discovery - dromedary camels were domesticated earlier before Abraham's time. And read this from the BBC.

As for it being invasive, camels are not indigenous to the Middle East - they are originally from North America; but people here have made very good use of them - Australians could do the same. The sheep in Australia today, were also brought in from outside - but they have been put to proper use.

The method that Australia uses for butchering the camels is too cruel. In 2005, in response to another plan to shoot camels from the air in South Australia, Hugh Wirth, the president of RSPCA Australia, said, “You cannot cleanly kill, instantly kill, humanely kill a moving animal from a moving platform.”

Australinas could have slaughtered the animals and used the meat to feed hungry people in places like Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Or better still - why not ship them to North African and Middle Eastern countries - again, especially Somalia? Or: why not control their fertility?

Camels - especially its meat, unlike wolves, feral cats or dogs, or even feral rabbits - are very much priced and valued in many parts of the world.

Countries like Australia, make so much noise when poor, developing countries use similar methods to control the number of wild animals; but, what Australia is doing to camels makes me wonder about Australia and how pretentious it can be.

Anyway, I have no doubt that a time will come when Australians will feel very lucky and fortunate that they have the camels there. A time will come, when food and enrgy will be scarce and then and only then, will Australians value and respect camels.
Jed Carosaari said…
This must be one of those times Wikipedia is wrong. Perhaps someone who doesn't know the science is trying to post that so they can make their holy book seem literally true. At the time Abraham is supposed to have lived, there was not widespread domestication of the camel.

The camel is indigenous to North America only in the same way that the saber tooth tiger is, horses are, and the mastadon is. That's looking at millions of years ago, where they first evolved- and were later wiped out/went extinct. After that point, they moved to other parts of the world (well, the horse and camel did). When we talk about indigenous or invasive, we don't usually refer to events from millions of years ago, recognizing that climates change significantly in that amount of time. An organism is always invasive when it first arrives, up to a period of time, say a hundred years. Then it becomes adapted to it's climate, or the ecosystem becomes adapted to it, with a new balance, and the previous invasive is now indigenous.

Unfortunately, with humans, not only are we responsible in some way for most invasives, but we are doing it at a 1000-fold rate- more- than ever before, so no ecosystem can adapt quickly enough to match our rate of destruction.

I agree with you, that more use could be made of the camel, and that there are humane and inhumane ways to kill an animal.
Omar said…
Many scholars have said that there were no camels during the time of Abraham, and many too - have said that there were camels then. The truth is that - none of the two sides have offered any solid evidence to prove the other wrong. After reading as much as I can on camels, personally, I believe that there were camels long before Abraham.

At one time, camels were an invasive species in the Middle East and only became adapted after a time; the difference is - people here, too, adapted to having camels. While the Australians, after all this time, have not.

Human beings, always selfish, some times go to extremes with so called 'pests' - the Iberian Lynx is what most comes to mind when I think of this. The Lynx are now almost extinct mainly because of a French doctor (to prevent the rabbits from eating his crop) introduced Mynxomatosis to rabbits; the disease decimated the rabbits which are Lynx's main food source. In turn, Lynxs are now almost gone; less than 100 are said to exist now.

Australians, in a very selfish way, are going to extremes in trying to reduce the numbers of camels.

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