Socotra: what they say.......

What they say about the Island:

"Socotra Island is a unique, isolated desert ecosystem. Many of the species here are endemic."

"Would living on a small island bring you happiness? It must have for the people on Socotra who named the island an "abode of bliss" in the ancient Sanskrit language. Socotra is biogeographically a continuation of the Horn of Africa, but today it stands on its own in the Indian Ocean. Its wild inhabitants are living proof of a long natural history. Many are descended from species that lived millions of years ago and can’t be found anywhere else on Earth." WWF

"........the Socotra archipelago has received relatively little attention from the scientific community, being virtually isolated from the rest of the world and effectively closed to foreign visitors for the last quarter century or so by a combination of military considerations and extreme natural conditions." Arabian Wildlife

"While the people help make Socotra a haven in a hostile world, the island is also a natural wonderland. From the aqua lagoon at Qalansiya to the snow-white dunes at Ras Momi, from the alpine meadows of the Haggier Mountains to the desolation of Nowgad, Socotra is a land of surprising contrasts." UNP

"Not far away from Mukalla and at a modest distance from Aden, there is an island in the south of the Republic of Yemen, known by the name of Soqotra and at first sight representing Felix Arabia of bygone times – a genuine nature reserve of the kind we imagine paradise must have been, an idyllic spot, where flora and fauna determine the landscape, where graceful goats and slender cows zigzag between bottle and dragon blood trees and Egyptian vultures sit on a branch near you and look at you benevolently. An island neglected by modern civilisation, an area that escaped the attention of development experts?" Yemen Times 2005

"Since centuries, travelers have described this island as a paradise on Earth, but today nothing more than few tales and pictures about the magnificent landscapes and bizarre plants have come back home." Herpfolio

Amazingly, and it's astonishing, that neither the World Wildlife Fund nor Greenpeace; or the National Geographic have much on the Wonder Island. In fact, they mention very little about Socotra. Though Socotra is now a UN World Heritage site - the World's leading Wildlife organs and organizations, have too, to pay attention and focus on this most unique of islands.


Nasheed said…
nice interesting blog.

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