The Turtles Of Hadhramout

In the middle of every year, thousands of turtles land on the beaches of Hadhramout to lay their eggs. It is against the Yemeni law to hunt for turtles, but it is not easy protecting these very adorable creatures, along the very long Hadhramout coastline. Many, are poached and slaughtered for their: eggs, meat and shells. Some people seem to get a lot of fun and pleasure just hanging turtle shells on their walls.

And the story is the same, wherever turtles are found. Not only are they being poached and slaughtered, but their habitats are being polluted and destroyed with all kinds of chemicals and garbage. Should we care? Certainly, and I quote: "...the marine turtles of the world are an indicator of how our oceans are doing. Dying turtles are an indicator of how our oceans are doing. Dying turtles are symptoms of sick oceans. Oceans are the original source of life on this planet, and if they die, they will likely take us with them. "


Wildlife Trust
Michigan Study
Saba News


Barsawad said…
I hope such postings help in preserving turtles!
Baraka said…

Thanks for this important reminder! As caretakers of the earth we have huge responsibilities to ensure health and safety for all.


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