Google Palestine Is Here

Google Palestine
Always creative, innovative and leading. Only Google can quietly, courageously and yet with such a tremendous impact, be so ingenious: it has recognized Palestine. Google has replaced the tag line 'Palestinian Territories' with 'Palestine' - While many other powers, still, refuse to recognise 'Palestine' - the search giant and leading Internet tool, by recognising Palestine on its local homepage, has given the Palestinians, and all those who support justice, an enormous support and moral boost.

As of last November, most member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine. A few haven't. Foremost - the United States, where Google was born and is based. Isn't it about time that the only country in the world that could allow the greatest Internet tool on the Planet to start, grow and conquer the whole world so rapidly - also be fair and just and recognise Palestine? Isn't it about time that Israel realizes that there is no way it can live in peace and security except to allow for the creation of an independent Palestinian state and to recognise Palestine?

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