Map of Al Mukalla, Hadhramout

The easiest way to get a good map of Al Mukalla, is to use the Internet
and go to Google Maps.

This Satellite Map has not been updated for some times; it was taken before the Khor was built.


Jed Carosaari said…
How awful. Its one thing if the pirates hijack a 100 million dollars worth of oil destined for Babylon, the wealthiest country living off the sweat of the rest of the world. Its quite another when they take a few hundred tons of steel from the poorest Arab country dedicated to even more impovershed Suqutra. Before they were Robin Hooding it. Now they're stealing from the poor to give to the rich (themselves). There's little difference between these pirates and the Robin Barons running Wall Street.
Jed Carosaari said…
Oh- Yemen again in the American national news! Big bit today on Najood. She is so inspiring! Way to go, Najood!
Anonymous said…
What has been the root causes for the chaos and lawlessness in Somalia? Only if those root causes are solved, can Somalia settle down; and only then can the seas around it, be safe.

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