A Recently Deceased Person

It could have been best written by John Grisham - or James Hadley Chase? I don't think Agatha Christie, could have. The story of: Anna Nicole Smith, real name - Vickie Lynn Hogan. In real life, she lived one of the strangest and most unrealistic lives I can ever imagine.

She was not good in school; gave birth to her first child, in her teens; due to her stunning beauty, became one of Playboy's most celebrated playmates; married an 89 year old man (a billionaire) 63 years her senior, who dies 13 months after marrying her (no wonder); reportedly lost 35 plus kilograms in weeks (or was it in days?); recently, lost her son (20 years old) in mysterious circumstances; and during her last days, was tangled in legal problems - which all seem to be related to money. A few days ago, Anna, thirty-nine years old, suddenly died.

And now, after death, the whole story of the woman who wanted to be the next Marilyn Monroe, is becoming more bizarre and is slowly being turned in to a circus. Watching CNN a few days ago, I couldn't help being both saddened and amused; I couldn't help noticing how the Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger - was so reluctant in answering questions from newsmen (why was he so reluctant?), while Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner of Broward County, Florida - seemed to have been very willing to answer all questions directed to him; Dr. Perper, was actually very much enjoying every moment of it and relishing it. As if all this is not enough and as Anna's body still, remains in hospital - several men are already claiming to be the father of her infant daughter; including a dubious 'prince' (husband of Zsa Zsa Garbor); all driven by greed? Can it get murkier than this?

In Anna Nicole's story, one can get to understand how money, greed and materialism drives the lives and ambitions of many Americans, if not most (I say this with all due respect to Americans). Isn't there a limit to what one can do for money? Or publicity - publicity, which in turn translates to money? Can't people, especially men, be honorable and at least leave the woman alone now that she is dead? Can't those who profit and make names through gossip - Larry King being at the helm - respect the dead? It's when I watch or read such things on TV or the news about the world yonder, that I love, even more, my Mukalla and Hadhramout. We respect the dead.


Anonymous said…
I feel like the resident american's defender; but Barsawad the average Joe's on the street aren't driven just by greed/materialism. Celebrities and media madness only show one small slice of the American pie..and since I got rid of my TV, I feel like I live on a different planet completely. The reality on the ground is different.

That said, it's really sad what happened to Anna nicole Smith and how her life/death reinforces our understanding that money/fame is not everything.
Ya salam, a hadhramouti! You must know of Tarim and Shaykh Habib Omar and Habib Ali?

On another note, NZM informed me of your fabulous photography and thus I must invite you to join us at Global Themes (as soon as I find an email here somewhere). If I don't find one please drop me a line at

shaykhspeara at hotmail dot com.

Salamaat Omar!
Anonymous said…
Maliha - whenever you defend America, I feel relieved; I am a great admirer of that country and I hate to notice it's values (the ones I think they have) being detroyed. If I am asked to name the role model country on this planet, I will choose the US - even with all its shortcomings. I know, there - people have faith in one God and not mostly bent to atheism and idolatry as other places with power; and I do admire the freedom given to all.

Shaykhspeara - I know Tarim and do visit it many times; but do not know of Shaykh Habib Omar or Habib Ali (I intend to write about the 'Habibs' later - in relation to how they seem to control most things here, knowledge and intellectual life in particular). I will write to you later.
Anonymous said…
Omar, please do tell us more of Tarim and the Habibs, I am really interested. One of the many reasons I want to visit is also to sneak a peek into the land of scholars.

Yeah, there are many flaws in this country, just like any other, but it's still an awesome place to live. Alhamdullillah for that. Some arab nations could take a page of it's examples (not just the profanity, nudity, etc. but the real freedoms of *speech*; systematic organization and structures in place)
Anonymous said…
Maliha - Tarim is the 'land of scholars' here in Hadhramout; and totally controlled by the 'Habibs'. I will certainly write on the 'sayyids' later; a blog on Hadhramout without the role 'sayyids' play here and have always, will be incomplete.
Henry Thompson said…
Kayf al hal ya Omar?
Tammam inshallah.

I ought to be in Mukalla sometime in the next few weeks. I'd like to talk to you about wildlife, mukalla, people, culture, lives... I'm British, 48, working in Yemen on/off for nearly ten years! Always looking for people interested in the environment.
I'm on oxania(at)gmail I'm Henry Tasharafna!

I like your comments on Mukalla market. As for celebrities, they become celebrities by choice - after that, they live in the deep end of the sharkpond - luxury, stress and zero privacy. But who needs privacy when you're business is publicity? The cult of celebrity is pretty sad- we'd all be better off without it. Try staying off the TV!
Anonymous said…
تبرىء الكلمات في القلوب

ثم همس الرب في قلوبنا...
الكلمات تصل حيث لا يقدر السلاح

سألنا حكيم قريتنا، كيف ينزل الدفء
على النفوس والشيطان
قد ألقى بسمومه المفضلة
خوفاً ويأساً وكراهية
على القلوب البريئة
كما الرماد من محرقة السعادة

كيف تنام عيون الايمان
وسرير الأمل
تفترشه ملاءة القنوط الشاحب
وعيون الحنث الفاسدة
تنتهك حرمة الكلمات المقدسة
وتسعد باغتيال هدايا السماء

وسألنا :كيف يبتسم الخير
ويصفع الكره الفضيلة من وجه الخجل
و أتباعه يشوهون ويحرفون فى نفوس ضحاياهم
حتى يصل الاعتقاد
بأن الإثم فضيلة والقتل عدالة والكره هو الحب

تحدث الحكيم
بصوته الخفيض وقال
أن للشيطان أتباع
يغتسلون في أنهار النبيذ في حادي*
وبعشق السخرية الفارغ
يحصدون نفوساً مغشوشة جنيت بمنجل الانتحار

مستحيل أن يكون الطريق إلى الفردوس مرصوفاً
بجثث الأبرياء - عبر نهرٍ من الدم
اعتنقوا مد الحق وجزره الرائع في قلوبكم
تقبّلوا الشك والعار أينما كانوا
لكي تدركوا أن النفس تسعد بالعطف وليس بالانتقام

سطع صوته كالضوء وقال:
ابحثوا بشجاعة في أعماق قلوبكم
بلا نفاق ولا خداع ولا إجحاف
وحين تلمسوا الايمان هناك
ستنزل الكلمات الالهيه دواءً للقلوب
مثل مطر أبدي يجذبه البحر دائماً
حتى يرتفع ليملأ حرم النفوس
بودٍ عميق هادىء ويغدو سلاماً
على شواطىء العزم الالهي.

[أرض الموتى في الأساطير الاغريقية*

أبريل 2006
Anonymous said…
Henry Thomson - in Sana'a or in Mukalla, you can always find travel agencies who can provide good guides for you; I am always too busy with Family, work and other pressing matters. At the same time, I always tell the young in my family - NEVER to accept any invitations from strangers on the Internet, no matter what and however tempting it is; even if I had the time, I CAN NOT accept your invitaton.

through grace - thanks for the wise words.

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