Desert Infinite

" What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery (French Pilot, Writer and Author of 'The Little Prince', (1900-1944)

Deserts are the only place I know of, that can give me absolute peace! Hot, barren, desolate deserts. I do not know about cold deserts; as I haven't been to any. Mountains and valleys too, can give one peace; and the sea and oceans have their own way of giving peace. But jungles, of which I have been to many - rarely give me that absolute peace. Maybe, it's because of the fear of animals both large and tiny, that makes it almost impossible for me to achieve peace in a jungle.
Though I love the sea, oceans and the coast tremendously, I love being deep inland in mountains and valleys even more. I love islands too, but being on a small island, deep in the sea, can be rather - intimidating. Still, I do love deserts most! Space? Up there in outer space? I would love to give that a try!


Anonymous said…
You need to go in to one of those sand deserts with golden sand all around, to experience the powerful soothing nature of deserts.
Anonymous said…
Pretty nice, it remind me my desktop which has similar theme.

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