Map of Socotra

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It is hard to find a good, correct map of the remote archipelago: Soqotra. I decided, with the help of Google Maps, to make one. I have also given what I believe are the correct spellings of the main different parts of the Island.

Socotra is remote, pristine, breathtakingly beautiful and one of the most unique places to visit. Some of the must see sites on the Island:

Qualanisya: is a small fishing village, a place where you will have the opportunity to be close to the spectacular Shoab Beach, situated on the southwestern shore of Island. The charming village is home to traditional houses and narrow alleyways, the incredible Qualanisya beach and the Detwah Lagoon which is one of the most beautiful spots on the whole island.

Arhner: is another fascinating part of Suqutra, boasting enormous sand dunes, beautiful beaches, coral cliffs, fantastic rocks and small oases, nestled on the shore of the Arabian Sea.

The Endemic Dragon's Blood Tree: situated high up on Diksum Plateau in the centre of the island is one of the iconic natural features of Sogotra. The tree is so named because any possible injury to the bark results in a deep red liquid that excretes from the scar. Here you can explore and experience the Island's exotic nature, enjoy the fabulous panorama of the Daerhu canyon and swim in the freshwater pools.

Haghier Mountain: located in the northwestern part of the island, is the highest mountain reaching over 1500 meters high, offering beautiful landscape and a wide variety of different trees.

Wadi Shoq: is another attraction on the Island, where you will find palm plantations opening into rocky areas, which are a good locality for Soqotra Scops Owl, a small, heavily streaked, grey owl heard readily in the evening, as it usually begins calling before dusk. On some of the taller palms you can find black-crowned Night-Heron, a relatively scarce species on Suqutra.

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And what would be the correct spelling, in Latin letters, for the name of the Island? In Arabic: سُقُطْرَى‎ - 'Soqotra' or 'Suqutra' or 'Sogotra' are much closer to the phonetic pronunciation in Arabic. The Socotra Islands are not far from Hadhramout; and are located about 350 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula. Covering a land area of aout 3,650 square kilometers. The climate in Socotra Islands is tropical desert, with temperatures hovering between 37C in summer and 29C in winter.

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