Why Google continues to lead

Go to Google's philosophy  to understand that. It states:  since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and applications, we believe they should work so well you don‘t have to consider how they might have been designed differently.

And, well - Google has done exactly that and worked superbly well; it has gone through an incredible milestone through a very short span of time. It is not only in creating the best search engine, or the best email service or the best free blogging platform or one of the best browser's on the planet that Google has displayed its stunning creativity, acumen and brilliance; it has many other products which are just as good but are less known or used. What makes Google lead and be commanding even more, is that most of their fine and very useful products are incredibly for free.

There is Google Trends: Where you can compare the world’s interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they’ve been searched on Google over time. Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most. Or Google Insights, which is Google Trends but with advanced features - where you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties. Using either, you can know who searches for what. For instance: in the last 12 months, more Americans have searched for 'terrorist' than any one else; more Filipinos have searched for 'climate change' than any one else; and more South Koreans have searched for 'enzyme' than any other people. As for searching for 'sex' - you may be surprised that many Muslim countries come in the top ten of those searching for it.

To know and find out more on what Google is doing or what more useful and mainly free products Google is planning and creating, go to: Google Labs or their Blog. And their is a philanthropic side of Google; go to Google.org and discover what other constructive projects they are involved in.

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